So, for those of you that have asked what Collin would appreciate for his birthday, I am afraid that a membership to the AARP (Yes,
American Association of Retired Persons) is growing increasingly appropriate...I know that organization is for senior citizens, but I think we can sneak him in...if recent behavior is any indication.
Now, don't get me wrong...there are plenty of times in a day that both Doug and I wish that Collin would just sit quietly...or just sit at all. He is definitely almost "2" and has energy at even 6:00 in the morning that I would love to bottle and sell. However, he also has interests that are more in line with someone 40 times his age...
I have already written about his love for playing golf. That is is a new skill, he sees Daddy doing it, and he gets to go chase after the balls he hits. Then it progressed to Collin requesting to watch "man hit the ball" on TV. I find it odd and disturbing that I now know Channel 28 on our TV is the GOLF station....Don't worry to any feminist friends out there, he is equally as happy watching women play golf, but he does not differentiate in his requests.
Then one night when Doug was not home I was making dinner.

Collin came running into the kitchen requesting to watch "man hit the ball", which I thought was strange since the GOLF channel was already playing. Much to my surprise, Collin had gotten into the entertainment center and found an instructional golf video by Tom Lehman that Doug got as one of those "free gifts" for subscribing to a magazine or something...Collin showed such joy over seeing a DVD of "man hit the ball" that I could not refuse. He sat and watched Mr. Lehman during the rest of my time making dinner, showing more long-term interest in that DVD than pretty much anything I have seen before.
Collin watching the instructional golf DVD
After coming inside earlier today from playing golf, Collin requested to again watch "man hit the ball"...but there is only so much Tom Lehman that a girl can take. I was cold and damp...Collin, like his father, demands to golf in
any weather. Collin was happy, but becoming tired and I wanted to get lunch started so I was going to comply with Channel 28 GOLF, but was foiled by an info-mercial. So, I decided to take my chances and channel-flipped to see if ESPN could help me out.
I found bowling...Collin loved it. He hooted and hollered and almost did not want to eat lunch...good thing I had made "noodles" or he may not have left the couch...
So, golf and now bowling....He already wears diapers and sometimes his pants ride up his waist...can the AARP be far behind?
P.S. For those of you looking to improve your "driving for distance and accuracy" give Collin a call...he should be able to give you some tips...