Hello everyone! Yes, we know it has been several weeks since our last post. Thinking about it, I am not even sure that I know where all of that time has gone...
I know we have spent some of our time at the doctor's office. Collin had his "asthma re-check" earlier this month and the news was positive...at the time. Since he had no more symptoms, we were going to be able to decrease the nebulizer use to once per day and then reassess again in a few weeks. Unfortunately that very day Collin came down with a cold, which is his asthma trigger. And, sure enough, he had some symptoms and we not only need to continue the twice a day treatments, but had to go back on an oral medication for the last few days as well. The good news is that despite having symptoms, the medicine we have available at home does control it and he tolerates it all very well. He is not nearly as bothered about this as Doug and I are, and in the end I guess that is really what matters.
We also spent some time on more exciting endeavors...dare I say we were even brave? We moved Collin from his crib to a "big boy bed" this month. With the help of Grandma Nola, his bedroom has been converted from a Noah's Ark nursery to a bonafide big boy room. Pictures to come in future posts. Although bedtime and nap times are somewhat more of a challenge, overall he is doing well and he loves his "new" room.

Early in the month we also celebrated Christmas with the Bartsch Family. Collin and Zack enjoyed playing together...it turns out that Zack is also quite the musician, although the toy vacuum was predictably his favorite...Little Miss Kiley enjoyed the show!
And, yes, we are still rocking out with our guitar, drums and keyboard! In this video, Collin was inspired by the country song "Start a Band" by Brad Paisley and Keith Urban. He was watching the video intently, then grabbed his own guitar. Apparently he decided to join their band...Please excuse my sideways video perspective...Collin may have talent, but he will have to find a better video crew than mom and dad if he's going to be a big star...