When I don't have to drive in it, I don't mind winter as much as I used to...I am getting better each year with just bundling up and taking it as it comes. Collin loves to play outdoors in all seasons, and I think that his enthusiasm is motivating for me...it is way more fun to be outside playing with your son than scraping the windshield of your car or digging yourself out of the driveway with a shovel, which is really all that winter meant to me for most of my adult years....
My new tolerance for the season of snow is probably a very good thing given the fact that I am likely to be spending a large portion of my life in upcoming yea
rs near ice, even in the summer, given Collin's apparent love for all things hockey....So, to prepare both Collin and myself, this month he started ice skating lessons at a nearby ice arena.

After 2 lessons with teachers, supplemented by a few trips to both indoor and outdoor public skating with Doug and I, he is well on his way.
Believe me, this is not something we are pushing him into...if anything, Doug and I are the downtrodden ones in this scenario (but he's so cute, we just don't care!).
At this point, he does not need to use a "walker" and can get up from the ice on his own if he does take a tumble. He does all of this with amazingly good spirits and determination.
The classes are offered through Community Education and are simply a way to get interested kids out onto the ice and give them some pointers. They play games and learn basic skills...As you can see below, the class size is very small. Collin is in the first class, Snowplow Sam I, that is for the youngest of beginners.

Our skater is the handsome guy in the black helmet and blue jacket....
Doug and I watch closely at the skating lessons from our seats in the stands...and then we practice when we take Collin to open skating sessions as neither Doug or I can ice skate either! My experience on the ice was limited to a few times at the Hutchinson rink with my High School best friend, Cindy, who was much more graceful and prepared than I ever was! Since then, the only ice time I have had has been in poorly maintained parking lots as I walk to and from my car. Doug's experience is limited too, so I am sure we are all quite the sight out there...especially since it won't be too long before our 3 year old is skating circles around us!