As you can tell, the Rosenau's have been absent from the blog world for quite some time. It is not that I don't have plenty of photos and stories from our latest family adventures to share with you.
Instead, I think that after taking a few weeks off during some particularly busy periods in our life, I simply fell out of the habit of blogging. I have never been a technology/gadget fan, so being away from the computer (outside of work, of course) is not something abnormal for me. So, although well intentioned, I seem to be struggling to get back into the groove of it all....Perhaps you can't teach an old dog new tricks?...
Well, perhaps not "old" yet, but definitely older...I celebrated my thirty-abcd birthday on April 22
(Oh, gee...did my fingers slip while I was typing?...that's odd...oh well...).
As that was a Thursday night, and we have now established that I am not as young as I used to be, you can imagine that the festivities the night of my actual birthday were pretty tame. Later in the month, however, we were fortunate enough to have a chance to celebrate with our friends Katie and Darin Bartsch. A pretty sudden and unexpected offer by Collin's Aunt, Uncle and Cousin's for an overnight visit with them left us free for a night on the town. (Side note: Collin also had a blast...he was able to attend his cousin's hockey tournament.)

Suddenly and unexpectedly we were able to call the Bartsch's who miraculously were able to find someone to watch their two kids and...presto! Dinner for four at Nectar!
Katie, Darin and I are all friends from our years at St. Thomas (and Doug was no stranger to that campus either...). Katie and I were actually roommates and together we all had plenty of memorable well as some we may have forgotten because of too much fun....
Nonetheless, celebrating with old friends makes getting older seem almost worth it!
Thanks to everyone who called or wrote, etc. to wish me a happy birthday! You are all appreciated! And I promise to get back to blogging and keeping you all more up to date!