This afternoon we spent some time at a birthday party for Collin's friend, Bryce (photo-right). Although we have been there once or twice before, it was the first Chuck E. Cheese experience for Collin since he has really been old enough to participate in the activities there.
He enjoyed the pizza and the games, and surprisingly enough, also meeting "Chuck E." For the most part, Collin has not been a fan of life size characters (giant Easter bunnies, Santa, etc. etc.) but he warmed up to Chuck E. pretty quickly. I suppose that has something to do with the other party goers, but I suspect it is also a sign of growing up. Check out the jam session above!

I personally went to the party with one thing on my mind...the "drawing" photo booth. I absolutely adore those..I am a total junkie and I knew they had one there. I love the black and white style photo and was so excited that Collin was willing to sit down with me long enough to pose for this picture!
Happy Birthday, Bryce! Thank you for a wonderful afternoon!