We cannot believe how quickly our journey into parenting is going. Collin is almost 2 years old already! He is growing up so quickly. We are fortunate to have many friends with sons around Collin's age...actually there is a pretty accurate timeline going
within Collin's "peer group". (Pic: Collin, born at Mercy Hospital)
Our friends Abby & Tim just recently welcomed their own handsome son, Ethan Robert Krueger, into the world at the end of June. Their journey is just beginning...
It does not seem like that long ago that we were bringing Collin home from the hospital...
At the other end of the spectrum, Collin's Godparents Katie & Darin Bartsch have already celebrated their son Zack's second birthday in May, and also have a baby on the way. Our friends Jay and Renee Neumann are the proud parents of Bryce who recently turned three! 

Right in the middle of this spectrum, our friends James & Angela Hammill have a fantastic son, JJ,who will be turning one in August.
JJ and Collin going for a ride!
And, of course there are some women in Collin's life as well. Molly and Josh "Not-Cooley" Schuster have an adorable girl Riley
, who will be two in October.

Our friends Jan and Abel Zeleke are the parents of terrific toddlers Jasmine and Zana, and are also expecting another addition to their family this winter.
We feel so blessed to be taking this journey with all of you!
Ahhhh, thanks for the mention:) Do you have a copy of the "small(Roo) medium(Collin) large(Zack)" picture we took a while ago? That would be good one to put us if you do...I can e-mail if it you don't:)
Yeah! Great job M~!!!
For the Rosenau fans, "Zack's Mommy" = Proud God Mom of Collin, Katie Bartsch! :-)
Yippy! Thanks for joining the blogger world and sharing your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: )
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