Danika Lynn Rosenau
10:04 am
8lbs, 6oz
21.5 inches
We went to Methodist Hospital to meet beautiful Danika that evening...she was kind enough to pose (and smile) for this picture. Our new neice, mother and daddy appeared to be happy, healthy and well. Danika is the sixth Rosenau cousin and kept the "boy-girl" cousin rotation going since she is the first new cousin born after Collin...below is the crowd she is joining:

Top to Bottom (taken this summer):
Not pictured in the pile is Collin's oldest Cousin, Sybil...She's a teen now, so what did ya expect!? She did pose for a pic (below) the day of Collin's Baptism....This picture is outdated....since this picture was taken, every time I see her I swear she is slowly turning into a teen Supermodel...boys around the world, watch out!
Sybil (November, 2006)
Again, welcome to Danika and congratulations to Mike and Cagney!
1 comment:
She's beautiful! Love the pose and smile.
What did Collin think of her?
Love the cousing picture too. Very cute. I can't believe Sybil is a teen! She will always be your cute little flower girl to me. Although you have been married 11 years so I guess she has to grow too. :-)
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