On May 2, Doug and I were "Usher and Usherette" at his cousin Sonja's wedding held in Delano, MN. Since we did not see our active toddler being very helpful (or happy) in such a formal setting with Mom and Dad too busy to provide him with much attention as we fulfilled our wedding party duties,
Collin got to spend the day with his Uncle John and Aunt Jennifer and cousins Sybil, Dylan and Grace. He not only was able to have all the attention and love he could ever want, he also got a day filled with hockey, one of his new favorite sports.

Cousin Dylan is a hockey player, and at the first game Collin attended, he fell in love with the sport. I would say it is a tie between hockey and his "first love" of golf! On May 2, Collin got to watch Dylan at a hockey game, spend time in the locker room with the "hockey boys" and go to a pizza party. It was pretty much his dream day. Doug and I had fun too, taking this chance to dance the night away at the wedding reception.
On May 5, we attended the Billy Joel/Elton John concert in St. Paul at the Xcel Center. Ever
since doing a music project while a student at St. Thomas, I have been a huge Billy Joel fan and we try to see his show whenever he is in town. Fortunately, this year it was close to my birthday and made a perfect birthday gift! A romantic dinner for two at the Sanctuary restaurant was a great start to a wonderful evening...and Collin enjoyed his
evening with Grandma Nola, teaching her more about golf and hockey than I am sure she has ever wanted to know!

I think that the rest of the month should be less busy...plenty of family time outside in the yard and trying to do as much fishing as the weather will allow on the local lakes...but May definitely started out with a bang!
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