If you have audio on your computer, you have likely noticed music with the blog! Toward the bottom of the page you will see a "play list" of some of Collin's favorite songs of the last year...

He enjoys sports, but music still remains important too. He got a new and improved (more sturdy) drumset for his birthday to replace the one that has met its demise since Christmas a couple years ago. (Rocking out in his tough guy pirate pajamas...)We had conferences tonight with his teachers for both pre-school and daycare this evening and his love for music is evident there too. So, it seems appropriate for us to share with you all as well.
The songs will play as you read the blog, or else feel free to click on the ones that interest you most. For now it will always start with his current favorite "Stuck like Glue" but eventually I will modify it so it skips.
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